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Преводилац енглески, француски, шпански, пољски, португалски, српски, словеначки

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Прегледа: 1115

Nationality: Serbian Date of birth: 12.06.1984. Work experience 1. June 2014 - June 2015 BIBO GLOBAL OPPORTUNITY, INC., 11th Level, JY Square Discovery Mall, 1 Salinas Drive corner, Gorordo Avenue, Lahug, Cebu City, Philippines Type of business or sector: Education Occupation or position held: Teacher for Fenglish, French and Portuguese language Main activities and responsibilities: Giving online English, French and Portuguese language lessons to Japanese students. 2. Since 2013 Home working, self-employed Type of business or sector: Education Occupation or position held: Tutor for French and Portuguese language Main activities and responsibilities: Giving private French and Portuguese language lessons. 3. Septembre 2012 March 2013 Associação Mais Cidadania (Non-Profit Organization), Rua do Teixeira, n.°13, 1200-459 Lisbon, Portugal Type of business or sector: Education Occupation or position held: Volunteer Main activities and responsibilities: Worked as an English teacher and an assistant in education. I was included in the activities at the school Passos Manuel and the youth centre, which were aimed at fighting social exclusion, helping in the integration between different cultures and following programmes of non-formal education organised by the school and by the organisation. 4. Septembre 2010 Septembre 2011 Volunteer Center Ni (Non-Profit Organization), 18000 Ni, Serbia, http://www.vcnis.org.rs/ Type of business or sector: Education Occupation or position held: Volunteer Main activities and responsibilities: Apart working on various projects also worked as an English tutor with children and youth without parental care within the project Learning Assistance at “Duško Radović”, Home for Children and Youth (Gutenbergova 4a, 18 000 Niš, Serbia, http://www.duskoradovic.rs/) 5. April 2010 – August 2011 Lepota i zdravlje (Online beauty magazine), MPS Media/ATS Splet d.o.o., Jarka c. 55, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Type of business or sector: Languages Occupation or position held: Translator Main activities and responsibilities: Text translation from Slovenian and English to Serbian language 6. March 2008 - April 2008 Faculty of Philosophy, the University of Ni, Ćirila i Metodija 2, 18 000 Niš, Serbia, http://www.filfak.ni.ac.rs/ Type of business or sector: Education – Academic practice (Elementary School “Ratko Vukićević”, Ratka Vukićevića 5, 18 000 Niš, Serbia) Occupation or position held: English Language Teacher Main activities and responsibilities: Teaching English language to 6th grade pupils 7. October 2005 - December 2006 LAMBDA, Non-Profit Organization, Cara Duana Street, 18 000 Ni, Serbia Type of business or sector: Health Occupation or position held: HIV (VCCT) prevention counsellor Main activities and responsibilities: HIV (VCCT) counseling 8. Since 2004 Home working, self-employed Type of business or sector: Education/languages Occupation or position held: English teacher and translator Main activities and responsibilities: Giving private English language lessons and translating texts from English to Serbian and vice versa Education and training Dates (from to) 10 21th August 2015 (Ni); 21st September 2nd October 2015 (Salamanca) Name and type of organisation providing education and training The Club for Youth Empowerment 018 (Ni, Serbia); Academia Mester (Salamanca, España) Principal subjects/occupational skills covered Intensive Spanish language course Español sin fronteras (30 hours in Ni and 40 hours in Salamanca) Title of qualification awarded Certificate in Spanish language for foreigners Level in national classification (if appropriate) A2 Dates (from to) March 2011 – January 2012 Name and type of organisation providing education and training The ...

Укупан преводилачки стаж, године : 12.

Diolomirni filolog za engleski jezik i knjizevnost / Philologist for English Language and Literature


Језици: енглески, француски, шпански, пољски, португалски, српски, словеначки

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вијетнамски монголски бугарски кинески фински хинди казашки чешки турски италијански пољски руски есперанто шпански португалски немачки украјински енглески арапски француски грузијски дански румунски јапански африкански мађарски ирски индонежански исландски македонски малтешки албански свахили тајландски урду киргиски таџички туркменски узбечки азербејџански јерменски летонски литвански естонски персијски персијски словеначки словачки белоруски корејски

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