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ул. Велика Молчановка бр. 34 /2 канцеларија 25
+7 495 504-71-35 9:30-17:30

Преводилац енглески, италијански, српски, хрватски, босански, црногорски

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Прегледа: 792

JOB APPLIED FOR Interpreter and business consultant WORK EXPERIENCE 01/05/2001–30/09/2008 export manager for company manufacturer in metalmecanical sector, BRESCIA (Italy) Performed activities : - Backoffice - Visits to customers abroad in Europe, Middle East - Presence in international trade fairs in the sector Goals achieved: - Acquired good experience and knowledge of the markets visited - Acquisition of new customer portfolio - Sales turnover growth abroad. 01/06/2009–01/03/2017 Interpreter and sales consultant for Consorzium Brescia Export, Brescia (Italy) Performed activities: - Research of counterparts , market research - Analysis of clients and products / country information of foreign markets - Assisting companies as interpreter and sales consultant on business trips in Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia Turkey, Russia, South Africa, Brazil, UAE. - Supporting companies as an interpreter or sales consultant for Incoming Buyers from Serbia , Croatia, Bosnia. - Organization and participation on fair exhibitions in Europe. - Temporary managment - Participation to business training courses organized by Brescia Export in collaboration with Sesvil SRL for Marketing Management , product and management process innovation. 01/05/2017–Present Interpreter and sales consultant FREELANCE, Beograd (Serbia) - interpreter - business consulting EDUCATION AND TRAINING 01/04/2014–31/10/2014 Company education BRESCIA EXPORT - SESVIL, BRESCIA (Italy) - TRAINING COURSE FOR SALES MANAGMENT The course for creative sales management through the display of sales techniques, aims to transfer competences in the management of a sales negotiation, indispensable for the modern sales management. - TRAINING COURSE FOR EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION, RELATIONS AND REPORTS FOR TEAM WORK Effective communication Verbal and non-verbal communication Learn how to listen the others Team work - TRAINING COURSE FOR MANAGERIAL DEVELOPMENT , WORKSHOPS AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP Leadership Evaluation and development of the skills of the collaborators. Management of the goals and the performances of the collaborators Project managment Leadership for successful business , security development Public speaking PERSONAL SKILLS Mother tongue(s) Serbian Foreign language(s) UNDERSTANDING SPEAKING WRITING , Listening Reading Spoken interaction Spoken Italian C2 C2 C2 C2 C2 English B2 B2 B1 B2 B2 Levels: A1 and A2: Basic user B1 and B2: Independent user C1 and C2: Proficient user Common European Framework of Reference for Languages Communication skills: I have good communication skills gained through my working experience as sales manager and partecipation to training course for effective communication , business relations and reports in team work Organisational / managerial skills : I have good organization skills gained through my working experience as sales manager and partecipation to training course for managerial development. Digital skills SELF-ASSESSMENT Information , processing Communication Content , creation Safety Problem solving Driving licence B ADDITIONAL INFORMATION - participation in conferences in various sectors - participated in the organization of conferences for motivational courses - presentation at conferences and motivational courses, public speaking in Italian and English language Projects: I am currently working on the implementation of some projects in the field of environmental and health care protection Hoby: Travelling , cultural and pilgrimage trips

Укупан преводилачки стаж, године : 51.


Језици: енглески, италијански, српски, хрватски, босански, црногорски

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вијетнамски монголски бугарски кинески фински хинди казашки чешки турски италијански пољски руски есперанто шпански португалски немачки украјински енглески арапски француски грузијски дански румунски јапански африкански мађарски ирски индонежански исландски македонски малтешки албански свахили тајландски урду киргиски таџички туркменски узбечки азербејџански јерменски летонски литвански естонски персијски персијски словеначки словачки белоруски корејски

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+7 495 504-71-35