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ул. Велика Молчановка бр. 34 /2 канцеларија 25
+7 495 504-71-35 9:30-17:30

Преводилац енглески, француски, српски, шведски

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Прегледа: 898

EDUCATION Greene’s Tutorial College, Oxford, UK 2013-2014 AS Level Qualification in Communication and Culture Oxford Tutorial College, Oxford, UK 2012-2013 AS Level Qualification in English Language and Literature Chartwel International School, Belgrade 2009-2012 IGCSE, an International Qualification in Mathematics, English Language and French Language WORK EXPERIENCE Receptionist at Townhouse 27, Belgrade January 2014 Completing one-month internship-training programme at the four star boutique hotel in Belgrade in order to gain experience in a hotel management environment My tasks included shadowing managers, managing customers’ bookings, reservations and payments as well as checking guests in and out of the hotel Providing customer service at the front desk, assisting guests with any problems they might have and answering inquiries on local culture and customs, Belgrade sights etc. Bar staff at OK café, Belgrade November 2013 Serving customers, offering advice on drinks; operating the till and taking cash Responsible for keeping the bar clean and tidy, collecting empty plates and glasses Providing a professional and friendly service to all customers, ensuring that all orders are responded to promptly and effectively Youth integration Volunteer at Rotaract Club, Belgrade Summer 2013 Deca sa ulice, Belgrade Providing direct assistance to homeless children and their families through drop in centre in Dedinje and Zvezdara Taking part in daily activities, including learning English and organizing creative workshops LANGUAGES Serbian (native) English (near native) Swedish (intermediate) French (lower intermediate) COMPUTER SKILLS OSX, Windows , MS Office, Photoshop, Internet, Social Networks HOBBIES AND INTERESTS Painting, Volleyball, Fitness, Photography, Traveling

Zavrsila Osnovnu skolu u Srbiji. Isla u dve srednje skole u Englskoj, Oxford i London. Trenunto student na fakultetu singidunum. Zavrsila komunikacije, Englsku literaturu i medije.


Језици: енглески, француски, српски, шведски

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вијетнамски монголски бугарски кинески фински хинди казашки чешки турски италијански пољски руски есперанто шпански португалски немачки украјински енглески арапски француски грузијски дански румунски јапански африкански мађарски ирски индонежански исландски македонски малтешки албански свахили тајландски урду киргиски таџички туркменски узбечки азербејџански јерменски летонски литвански естонски персијски персијски словеначки словачки белоруски корејски

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+7 495 504-71-35